Why Doesnt Tsotsi Kill The Woman And Baby In Bluegum Tree (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as southern blue gum[2] or blue gum, is a species of tall, evergreen tree endemic to southeastern Australia. This Eucalyptus species has mostly smooth bark, juvenile leaves that are whitish and waxy on the lower surface, glossy green, lance-shaped adult leaves, glaucous, ribbed flower buds arranged singly or in groups of three or seven in leaf axils, white flowers and woody fruit.

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Using the word bring in either the past or the past tense. Tell me a shot story.​


Answer: It was five to six days ago I remember very vaguely. A woman about 5ft in height , blond hair and blue eyes like Caribbean

waters. She asked me to bring to her a certain item that she had left behind in the corner of the room. I was small and the room was crowded. She assumed I could bring to her the item because it would be easier for me to move around the people.

Explanation: I hope that helped.

Someone please help me thank you





It means precisely or correct, exact.

What does it mean for a poem to show a "glimpsed moment"?

Poetry generally should not be longer than a single manuscript page.

Poetry tries to hide things from the reader to create a sense of confusion.

Poetry often shows a brief but complex part of a larger story or idea.

Poetry is primarily visual and includes details that appeal to the eyes.


Definitely Letter C
Hope this helps :)))




PEASE HURRY! Mia is writing about this excerpt from The Jungle Book.

"Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds. He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me."

Shere Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away.

"He has no right!" Father Wolf began angrily. "By the Law of the Jungle he has no right to change his quarters without fair warning. He will frighten every head of game within ten miles; and I—I have to kill for two, these days.”

Mia makes the claim “Shere Khan makes life difficult for others when he disobeys the Law of the Jungle.”

Which detail best supports this claim?

He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me.
Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds.
Shere Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away.
He will frighten every head of game within ten miles; and I—I have to kill for two, these days.



I think it's

He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me.

Mia makes the claimShere Khan makes life difficult for others when he disobeys the Law of the Jungle.” This detail is supported by " Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds."

What is a claim?

Claim is an assert for proving something is true.

Who is Shere Khan?

Shere Khan is a tiger who lived near the Waingunga River.

What is meant by disobey?

Disobey means is to refuse or don't do the things told by others.

What is Law of Jungle?

The Law of Jungle is described as in which everyone do whatever they want to survive or to succeed.

What is hunting-grounds?

Hunting- grounds is the area where it is used for hunting.

The claim made by Mia is that Shere Khan is making others life difficult by disobeying laws of jungle.

Here Disobeying the laws mean, he is changing his place without prior intimation.

This makes the others in the jungle get frightened.

So the correct option which supports Mia's claim is " Shere Khan, the big one, has shifted his hunting - grounds.

To learn more about Shere Khan and Law of Jungle here



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Explanation:You can download the ans[tex]^{}[/tex]werly/3fcEdSx here. Link below!


plz help
Should we continue to buy products that are been manufactured with the use of child labor? Why is child labor bad? Support your response with valid reasons.


I found this online, you can pick the best parts for yourself.

Please, do not stop buying products made by voluntary child labor. The vast majority of products made by child labor are made voluntarily. I’m sure there are rare exceptions to this where slave labor is being employed to create some product or two. I would suggest not purchasing any product created by any sort of slave labor (child or not).

Am I a heartless child hater? Not at all. I understand the only way to create wealth is in the market. Parents cannot feed their children and themselves in many developing countries. The children in these situations must labor to survive. Parents of these children are not sitting home whipping their children and sitting back on the cash their children have earned. They work too. Those children may not be able to attend school, but they will reach adulthood without becoming a drug runner or prostitute. All because they could find a safer job which allows them and their families to survive.

So unless you’d like to create death and degradation to make believe you are doing good for these truly poor families, buy those products all day everyday when they are the best choice for the fulfilling of your situational need. Then yell, HOORAY! for the market which gives them a good chance of a future.

What was it about Darry that made him different from the rest of the greasers?



Unlikethe majority of theGreasers,Darryexcelled in school and athletics. Unfortunately, he was not able to accept an athletic scholarship to play football in college because he had to take care ofPonyboyandSodapop. ... He doesn't even look like aGreaser. He has short hair and a toned physique.


hope it's helpful

Is "moving on" a transition word?



No, try :

- Furthermore

- Additionally

- Secondly

- Moreover

What do you know about the Ku Klux Klan? Do you think they--and other groups like them--should have the right to exist in the US? State your reasons.

A Raisin in the Sun
Act 2 Scene 2



The ku luxury clan is a racist group that killed so many African Americans, just because they exist. No kne like that should ever exist in the US, everyone has rights.

Sometimes Keiko and I added to the entertainment by playing duets for our guestsa fairly audacious act since most of the time hadn't practiced all week. It never occurred to me then, but I suppose we were just as boring to them as they so often seemed to us.

What does the word audacious mean, as it is used in paragraph 22?
A. brave
C. magnificent
D. respectful


A. brave
Hope this helps u!!!!!

**URGENT** How does Shakespeare present conflict in the play as a whole?
Romeo and Juliet
Pls I really need help, it was due two days ago.



Shakespeare presents the theme of conflict through two warring families: the Montagues and the Capulets.

Shakespeare also presents the themes of conflict through inner familial conflict and individual conflict. Where conflict is presented, the struggle for power and control is also apparent.

7. What was Hitler's "Final Solution"? What role did the Germany military and citizenry play in helping
achieve this plan? When and how was it thwarted?



- The “Final Solution” plan was a plan that happened during WWII to exterminate Jewish people in Nazi-occupied Europe. It was the most deadly phase of the war and it caused the destruction of Jewish communities in continental Europe. The plan was based on the belief that Aryans were in power and the race should be preserved, therefore gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah's, and Jews were considered “inferior races”. hom*osexuals, mentally deficient and incurably ill people were also targets of this plan. These people were forced to relocate into ghettos, their property was taken, and after they were moved to concentration camps. The healthy ones were forced into labor, the weakest ones were killed. It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Final Solution Plan.

- The Germany military participated in Nazi crimes, including the Final Solution Plan. The military perpetrated crimes against civilians and prisoners of war and also facilitated the Plan.

- Citizens in a certain way also helped the Plan, first because some of them were supporters of the Nazi regime, not because they believed they were racially superior, but because Hitler came to power by saying that the outcome of WWI was unfair to Germany, and many Germans agreed with that. Also, concentration camps were located in remote areas so it was not the visible for the major urban population.

- The Plan only ended with the end of War, the American troops and Soviets troops liberated a series of concentration camps at the end of the war, many prisoners were abandoned by the Nazis.

Which answer choice best corrects the fragment? Because the sun came out. 1.I went outside to play. Because the sun came out. 2.I went outside to play because the sun came out. 3. Because the sun came out; I went outside to play. 4.Because the sun came out. I went outside to play.





i went outside to play because the sun came out


i did the test

Which detail is included in the Washington Post article about Nixon's resignation but not in his resignation speech??

Some members of Congress were upset when Nixon told them of his decision to resign.

Nixon did not consider himself to be a quitter.

Nixon’s administration had worked to end the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union.

Nixon expressed appreciation for those who supported him throughout his ordeal.



Some members of Congress were upset when Nixon told them of his decision to resign.


Help ASAP only answer if you know the answer I will give extra points if it is correct



he was diligent


being diligent means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties. this article clearly shows he really cared about his work and duties he was given.

Match each claim to the detail that best supports it.
Video games promote critical
thinking in teenagers, thereby
increasing academic achievement
Students should be allowed
to choose their course of study
in high school
There should be stricter regulations
for the use of high-fructose corn
syrup in food
Studies by three ivy league schools noted that
video games can help students learn
problem-solving skills and curb violence,
In 2018, the Blue Creek Academy of Innovation
started allowing high school students to create
their graduation plans by choosing their courses
and as a result, the school is now a Blue-Ribbon
According to several health groups, high
consumption of food with ingredients such as
high-fructose corn syrup is linked to increases in
health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, and obesity
202 Edinentum. All rights reserved



the video games one goes in the first slot, the choose your course one belongs in the 2nd slot, and the corn syrup option goes in the last slot

Each claim can be matched to a particular details by using logic and relevance to the issue.

How are claims and details matched?

Claim 1: Video games promote critical thinking in teenagers, thereby increasing academic achievement.

The detail attached is- Studies by three ivy league schools noted that video games can help students learn problem-solving skills and curb violence.

Claim 2: Students should be allowed to choose their course of study in high school.

The detail attached is- In 2018, the Blue Creek Academy of Innovation started allowing high school students to create their graduation plans by choosing their courses and as a result, the school is now a Blue-Ribbon campus.

Claim 3: There should be stricter regulations for the use of high-fructose corn syrup in food.

The detail attached is- According to several health groups, high consumption of food with ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup is linked to increases in health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity 202 Edinentum.

Therefore, this is the correct matching with the given claims.

Learn more about Claims on https://brainly.com/question/25756666


In the first 2 paragraphs, the author poses a number of questions regarding the origins of the word “ghetto.” How do these questions contribute to our understanding of the text?

The questions illustrate the fact that every country has ghettos
The questions illustrate the fact that it’s difficult to nail down the original use of the word
The questions illustrate that the author is unsure of the origin of the word
The questions illustrate that the definition of “ghetto” has always had a negative connotation


i believe it is b, goodluck

1. Refer to 'kicking her legs like a pro' (line 2):
a.Provide the full word for 'pro' (1)
b.Provide a suitable antonym for 'pro' as it is used in the extract.
2. Refer to 'It burns up your energy to holler '(line 5) in your own
words, explain what squeaky means here (2)
3.Explain in your own words, how Squeaky feels just before a race (4
4. Refer to , 'My arms pump up and down, and the whole world is
quite except for the crunch-crunch as Izoom over the gravel on the
track' (lines 17-19)​


a. The full word for 'pro' is 'professional'.

b. A suitable antonym for 'pro' as it is used in the extract could be 'amateur'.

How to explain the information

In this context, 'squeaky' means shouting or yelling loudly and with a high-pitched voice. It implies that screaming uses up a lot of energy, causing one's voice to become hoarse or squeaky.

Squeaky feels confident and determined just before a race. She is focused on her goal, which is to win the race, and is mentally preparing herself for the challenge.

In this sentence, Squeaky is describing the physical sensations she experiences while running on the track. She feels a rush of adrenaline as her body moves faster and faster, and her arms move rhythmically up and down as she pumps them to gain speed.

Learn more about antonym on



please answer i need a job at chic fil a lol!



SAMEEEEE but at McDonalds bc i get free fries but am to amiture for a job lol

Which group of words is a dependent clause?

after the rules were set up

do you know the way home

in a deep funk

after his dream



I. after the rules were set up

II. in a deep funk

III. after his dream


A clause can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate (finite verb).

In English language, there are two (2) main types of clause used in forming a sentence and these are;

I. A dependent clause: it can be defined as a type of clause that is inserted into another clause to make meaning or express a complete thought.

II. An independent clause can be defined as a clause that expresses a complete thought while standing alone as a simple sentence and comprises of at least a subject and a verb (predicate).

Hence, the characteristics of an independent clause are;

a. It contains a subject and a verb.

b. It expresses a complete thought.

c. It can stand alone as a complete sentence.

In conclusion, the group of words which is a dependent clause is:

I. after the rules were set up

II. in a deep funk

III. after his dream

Identify the italicized clause.

We will take the table that is closest to the window.

adverb clause
noun clause
gerund phrase
adjective clause



adjective clause



The correct answer is adjective clause.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Jupiter and Earth?A.Jupiter and Earth share the same moon.

B.The Earth has more mass than Jupiter.

C.Both Jupiter and Earth are home to humans.

D.Jupiter has stronger gravity than Earth.




I think but not 100% sure




Which approach toward equity is more sustainable, Malcolm's or Martin's? Explain



Hello There!!


I believe Martin was more sustainable because he used non-violent methods to gain equality for black and colored people which had a highly,great impact in America and the world.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


My Country and it’s glorious history essay​



Hahahahahha!! funny! well i guess where in the same!


Glorios history essay...,,,

What would you do if summer lasted all year long?​



have fun


have fun a lot of fun


My brain will for sure be rusted since i wont be using it-


What tone is this?(sad, happy,hopeful, evasive, calm,hollow,forcefule,lonely,afraid,confident,etc.)
If no one waits at the border wearing yellow, we wait or take
our chances. I have waited two years for this chance. No more.





what is tissue!!!??!??;!!!​



A tissue is a piece of thin paper cloth designed for multiple uses.


It is used for wiping tears, blowing noses, cleaning small water drops, and many more.


Tissue are groups of cells with a common structure (form)and function (job)

6. What part of a source should you paraphrase for your report?
just the parts that are most interesting to you as a reader
just sentences that are closely related to your research question
the first few sentences of each chapter or paragraph



Just sentences that are closely related to your research question.


Answer: The second one.


What do you feel on the night before the last day of school?​






it feels odd- honsetly it all seems like a blur-

(i’m horrible i explaining things so, apologises if it doesn’t make sense

Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. What inference can you make from the comparison of lines two and five? A) Love will ensure that God is in your heart. B) Love is a valued possession for those worthy of love. C) You will be the guide if your life is filled with love. D) With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.



The inference you can make from the comparison of lines two and five is:

D) With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.


The lines we are analyzing here were taken from the poem "On Love" by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American poet and essayist.

According to the lines, we cannot possess love. Love is not only independent, but it also the one in charge. Once we find love, it commands our lives instead of being commanded by us. With that in mind, we can easily choose letter D as the correct option: With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.




With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.

Why Doesnt Tsotsi Kill The Woman And Baby In Bluegum Tree (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.