Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (2024)









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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?)


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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (2)Afania

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (3)


Posts: 8355

By Afania 2024-06-19 08:28:05


RadialArcana said: »

If they do end up going ahead with this I think they will be irrelevant in 5 years, when they could have gone ahead and been a market leading game developer like Fromsoft or Larian.

The market leading game developer in Korea is Nexon(I think), which is a public company. In case if you don't know how successful Nexon is: Nexon market cap is 15 billion, with more than 7000 employees. That's WAY bigger than Japanese game dev like SE or Capcom.

No one will in the industry with right mind will ever say "Nexon is irrelevant".

I still can't see why your personal personal preference on games and boobs is in any way related to the future of a business.

RadialArcana said: »

Krafton is practically dead as a company now

What do you mean by Krafton is dead? Just last month I read an article about Krafton's record broking revenue in 2024 Q1. They also said Q1 revenue increased by over 20% compared with 2023 Q4

How is a company "dead" if their revenue is increasing lol.


Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (6)Afania

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (7)


Posts: 8355

By Afania 2024-06-19 08:52:21


RadialArcana said: »

Then if that game flops you went public and sold your soul for nothing.

Come on, it's Korea that we are talking about here. A country that created industry giants like 3Ns(Nexon, NCSoft, Netmarble) each has thousands of employees and dominated a good portion of industry for a long long time. You seriously underestimate how Koreans do business if you believe that's the case.

A high profile aspiring Korean studio that strongly supported government policy dying from going public? You must be joking. It's a country that everyone and their mother AND government supported big Korean business. That's how Samsung dominated the industry. Don't judge how Koreans run their business using western experience. It doesn't work that way.

Edit: source.

Korean government literally said they will focus on console games in the next 5 years, it is their national policy. I would bet with government support SU will grow instead of dying. Literally every Korean industry in the past being supported by the government has became mega Corp. Why would SU be any different?


Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (10)Asura.Saevel

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (11)


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By Asura.Saevel 2024-06-19 16:47:48


RadialArcana said: »

If they do end up going ahead with this I think they will be irrelevant in 5 years, when they could have gone ahead and been a market leading game developer like Fromsoft or Larian.

Companies that put the customer first are going to dominate in a way a company that puts the investor first will not, very often these public companies coast on past victories and brands when they were customer first orientated.

Going public for a video game company does not make your company better or create better products in a way a company making real world goods would. You can't invest that money into things that make a better product, you just invest it into making a new game. Then if that game flops you went public and sold your soul for nothing.

Krafton is practically dead as a company now, and they deserve to be in that position.

*Blink Blink*

Umm ... most all those companies have publicly traded stock on the KRX. Krafton, Nexon, NCSoft, they are all doing quite well for themselves. Light gaming (not AAA+) is massive in both Korea and Japan. Big powerful computers are kinda expensive and most everyone has lower power systems, or uses PC rooms to play, so lighter graphics games are super common and profitable. Most do not get ported over here though.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (12)Valefor.Prothescar

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (13)

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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (14) Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (15) Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (16) Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (17)

By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-06-19 17:04:52


Afania said: »

Young Kratos from earlier games can be considered hot maybe. But old Kratos from newer games looks like 45-50 yr old dude. Age has a negative effect on the look after all.

I'm neither gay nor a woman and I still understand the appeal of silver foxes. I usually agree with a lot of your points but it's totally culturally tone deaf to say this. Both straight/bi women and gay/bi men love older guys that take care of themselves physically. Even canonically hideous characters like Geralt have *** of females salivating over him. Solas from Dragon Age: looks like an aged egg, has dedicated groupies. Let's not even get into the implications of the daddy kink.


Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (20)RadialArcana

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (21)


Posts: 4339

By RadialArcana 2024-06-19 18:19:46


Doom Guy and Kratos are supposed to be a power fantasy for men who play them and are effectively a self insert, the entire point of the characters was for them to be shallow because the entire game is about killing stuff and having fun. The story was supposed to be there purely as an excuse to kill stuff and f**k women with big t**s. Not some kind of deep and meaningful life story where doom guy / Kratos realize they are actually being toxic man and they need to get in touch with their feminine side.

They changed it into a deep and meaningful story game (instead of making something new), because all these developers are old men now and they have this incredibly exaggerated view of what they do, like they are changing the world and social engineering men to be better.

Just make a game where we can kill stuff and stop trying to lecture the world with your shi**y ps5 game, only reason it sold well was cause of the brand people loved and because almost all western games are this soy garbage now.

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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (22)Viciouss

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (23)


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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (24)

By Viciouss 2024-06-19 19:06:28


lol, just quit while you're behind.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (25)Asura.Sechs

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (26)


Serveur: Asura

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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (27)

By Asura.Sechs 2024-06-20 01:40:34


Afania said: »

Young Kratos from earlier games can be considered hot maybe. But old Kratos from newer games looks like 45-50 yr old dude. Age has a negative effect on the look after all.

Imagine game dev make a female character that looks like a 40-50 year old. You will get a drastically different reaction from the community.

But that's exactly the sexy one, not the young Kratos!
Daddy Kratos ftw!

I swear he's a pretty sought after gay icon lulz

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (28)Afania

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (29)


Posts: 8355

By Afania 2024-06-20 01:45:44


Valefor.Prothescar said: »

I'm neither gay nor a woman and I still understand the appeal of silver foxes.

But Kratos is bald D;

It could be cultural difference on the definition of the term "sexually appealing". My impression is that in my culture he strongly remind people of homeless dude on the street that doesn't even shave D; But that's probably more of a cultural difference on face and shaving preference.

I do find Geralt in game quite attractive though, even the old one. If book Geralt looks like game Geralt then he probably underrated his appearance.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (30)Afania

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (31)


Posts: 8355

By Afania 2024-06-20 01:55:27


Asura.Saevel said: »

*Blink Blink*

Umm ... most all those companies have publicly traded stock on the KRX. Krafton, Nexon, NCSoft, they are all doing quite well for themselves. Light gaming (not AAA+) is massive in both Korea and Japan. Big powerful computers are kinda expensive and most everyone has lower power systems, or uses PC rooms to play, so lighter graphics games are super common and profitable. Most do not get ported over here though.

This. Radial's definition on irrelevant = western media doesn't talk about it.

Even if Nexon has 2k more employees than Square enix and 4.5 times higher market cap, if western media doesn't talk about it it is irrelevant to Radial lol.

Korean public game companies are very relevant in the industry and they made mad profit in the last 24 years. They just don't care about western market until very recently that's all. Doesn't mean they are irrelevant.

Edit: On a side note I just learned National Pension service is the largest investor in South Korea. Which also owned large amount of NCSoft shares.

For Koreans, public companies are the matter of their pensions and food on the table, for Radial public companies are the matter of boobs in video games.

Which is more important? Boobs or pension? Who will pay for the pension without public companies?

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (32)Carbuncle.Nynja

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (33)


Serveur: Carbuncle

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user: NynJa

Posts: 2846

By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-20 15:06:39


Unrelated to SB, but related to gamers are all sexist bigots who hate women and need to sexualize them:

Why is there no outrage over the Zelda game? They wrote out the male lead and made Zelda the main character. Thats ripe for the picking to be classified as woke pandering garbage.

But, theres nothing. Why? Could it be because they they didnt just slap a sword in her hands, essentially pallet swapping her with Link?

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (34)Carbuncle.Nynja

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (35)


Serveur: Carbuncle

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user: NynJa

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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-20 15:16:43


Having said that, my hype for Metroid Prime 4 took a bit of a hit when I found out that Retro Studios hired a game writer who has gone on record saying Samus should be transgender.
And before anyone says something like “who caree, its Metroid, theres not much story that can be done”, let me remind you of the cesspool known Other M aka Samus the badass intergalactic bounty hunter now has daddy issues.

Funny how all the sexist bigot gamers were pissed as how that game made Samus look.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (36)Viciouss

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (37)


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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (38)

By Viciouss 2024-06-20 15:35:05


Worked on Jedi Fallen Order? Solid resume she has there.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (39)Carbuncle.Nynja

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (40)


Serveur: Carbuncle

Game: FFXI

user: NynJa

Posts: 2846

By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-21 09:33:34


Well i read she was fired from Retro in June 2022, and her linked in says she works with Certain Affinity.

Samus is safe and the galaxy is at peace.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (41)Afania

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (42)


Posts: 8355

By Afania 2024-06-21 13:20:59


Carbuncle.Nynja said: »

Well i read she was fired from Retro in June 2022, and her linked in says she works with Certain Affinity.

Samus is safe and the galaxy is at peace.

Well Metroid is a Nintendo IP and Retro Studios parent company is Nintendo. Which is a Japanese company.

It is 2024 and gay marriage aren't even allowed in Japan.

You are worrying too much if you believe Japanese would let western woke make their well-known character a trans lol. Society wise Japan is not there yet.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (43)Carbuncle.Nynja

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (44)


Serveur: Carbuncle

Game: FFXI

user: NynJa

Posts: 2846

By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-21 13:23:40


Afania said: »

You are worrying too much if you believe Japanese would let western woke make their well-known character a trans lol. Society wise Japan is based.


Thats never been a sufficient firewall though. The English localizers can still spread their cancer and the Japanese will never know.

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (45)RadialArcana

Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (46)


Original Post - Cacher

By 2024-03-09 06:34:39

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This is a leaked (it was on the ps store for 20 mins before being taken down) demo of Stellar Blade. It's trying so hard to be Nier Automata and I'm here for it, it looks pretty good so far (even though the guy playing it seems to be potato powered and can't block). The music especially is amazing, art style is great too though and I like the idea of the story (aliens took over the planet, humanity fled and created these androids to fight for them).

Hope the demo gets released officially soon.

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Stellar Blade Leaked Demo (Nier Automata clone?) (2024)


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