Little Acts of Kindness - Chapter 68 - TheDeadGirlRisen - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Izuku looked at his phone as he heard it buzz, reaching over he grabbed it and turned it on, seeing a message from the new group chat.

Honey Guest: [Hey! I’m on my way, I hope you don’t mind me showing up early, but my parents wanted to take this time to go visit an aunt who hates me, so they decided to drop me off early, if you don’t want me showing up yet I can wait in a nearby park.]

Our Gracious Host: [It’s fine! I’m just about to head out on a run, if you get there and the doors are locked, can you just wait for a moment?]

Honey Guest: [👍👍That’s fine!]

Izuku got up and slipped his phone into his pocket, stretching for a moment. After he finished stretching he went to the door and soon went out on his run. About a half hour later he was on his way back, and he saw his neighbor and Kaminari chatting.

Heading up closer Tenrei was the first to notice him and tugged at his leash to get closer, Izuku gave a smile seeing the dog and scratched his head once he was close enough.

“Midoriya!” Kaminari said, smiling.

“Hey K-kaminari,” Izuku said, nodding.

“Well I better head on my walk, I got a bit of a late start today,” Maboroshi gave a chuckle, “I like sleeping in, but Tenrei wouldn’t let me sleep any longer, see you around Midoriya!” With that Maboroshi walked down the stairs, Tenrei following behind him.

“Your neighbor seems really nice, he asked me what I was doing here and then we got to chatting,” Kaminari said as Izuku unlocked the door.

Izuku nodded, “Y-yeah, he is p-pretty nice.”

They entered the apartment, “Um, like I forgot to ask, but is there anything I need to do or avoid around your parents? Like I don’t want them to hate me,” Kaminari whispered.

“M-mom’s out of the h-house, A-auntie is s-spending the w-weekend with her,” Izuku said.

“And your dad?”

“L-lives in a-america?” Izuku said, with a bit of a questioning tone to it.

“Cool! So you have the house to yourself?”

Izuku nodded.

“That's awesome! My mom would never let me be unsupervised during a sleepover, lol.”

Izuku blinked, “Did you j-just say ‘lol’?”

“Yes. Yes I did,” Kaminari said, grinning as he gave a thumbs up.

Izuku smiled, a huff of laughter escaping him.

“Anyways! While we’re waiting for the others to show up, how about we build a blanket fort!”


Kaminari sent him to gather up all the blankets and Izuku did, even pulling out the ones stored in his mom’s closet that are never used anymore. Soon they had a messy pile of blankets, and Kaminari had found what he deemed the perfect spot after moving a couple kitchen chairs.

“So I was thinking we have a few blankets and pillows on the ground for comfort while we watch our movies, and we drape the biggest one over the top so it’s like we are in our own little kingdom!”

Izuku looked at the space, “H-how will we a-all fit?”

Kaminari blinked, “Oh… it might be a bit cramped… I didn’t think of that.”

A knock sounded at the door, so Izuku went to open it. In front of him was Tokoyami, and-

Izuku’s mouth fell open, “P-pro hero: A-amaterasu?!”

“Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that, didn’t I?” Tokoyami said, chuckling a bit.

“A-autograph?” Izuku questioned, eyes wide.

She smiled, or looked like Tokoyami when he smiled, and given their similar bird-like appearances he took that to mean they made expressions the same. White feathers ruffled as she nodded her head, “Please be quick though, I do have to get going,” she said, voice light and airy.

Izuku nodded and ran inside to grab his latest notebook, Number 15, and a pen before he ran back to the door. He held out the two and she wrote her name down, “Take care now Fumi dear, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, but if you need to come home earlier, your dad said he can pick you up. Have fun, I love you!”

“Thank you Mom. I return your love,” he said as she turned and left.

As soon as the door was closed Izuku clutched the notebook to his chest. “I just met the number 45 hero…” Izuku mumbled, and now he was wondering why he hadn’t seen it before because they did have similar appearances.

She had a white bird head with long feathers coming out the top and her hero outfit was a long white cape that wrapped around her entire body. She did have talons for feet instead of human feet like Tokoyami had, and she had long tail feathers that went up that popped out from underneath the cape.

And her quirk was light related, but it was a sentient quirk where she could turn her tail feathers into little birds of light that would help her out, only thing was they only lasted until nightfall, as soon as night fell her quirk stopped working.

Kaminari’s chuckles brought him out of his thoughts, “Wow you really know a lot about her, huh? Is she one of your favs?”

Izuku blushed, and realized he had been mumbling the entire time. “U-um, no? She’s in m-my top t-twenty though…”

“That’s cool! I didn’t even recognize her as a pro hero… Anyways, Tokoyami! We were building a blanket fort, want to help?”

Tokoyami nodded, “Yes, it would be our pleasure to help.”

So the three continued working on the fort, Dark Shadow coming out and moving the blankets so it started resembling a nest. Izuku eventually found a pole to lift the blanket up to give them more room underneath the top as they could spread out the chairs and drape two blankets.

Just as they finished the fort, there was a knock at the door. “Hello Monoma!” a voice called from outside.

“What do you want 1-A?”

There was a pause, “To have a sleepover with my friends?”

“Right. Uh… sorry,” Monoma apologized as Izuku opened the door to let the last two people in.

“It’s fine,” Iida said. “Hello Midoriya!”

“Hello my rival!” Monoma said, waving.

“H-hey Iida, Monoma,” Izuku said, moving aside for the two to enter, the two boys placed their bags with Tokoyami and Kaminari’s.

Iida paused, “Why are you building a blanket fort?”

“Because we can,” Kaminari said.

“Oh. Ok. Anyways, where are your parents Midoriya?” Iida asked.

“Mom’s with A-auntie, I don’t k-know my d-dad,” Izuku answered.

Seeing Kaminari’s questioning expression he clarified, “Mom o-once told me he w-was in a-america, but h-he must h-have moved there when I w-was too young to r-remember.”

“Ahh, that sucks.”

“I brought my laptop with me and an hdmi cord to connect it to the tv, if you don’t mind? I’d have to connect it to your wifi,” Monoma said, gesturing to his bag.

“Sure, you can all connect if you want,” Izuku said.

Soon his friends were connected to the wifi and the last few pillows were moved to the fort. Monoma moved to the tv and started fiddling with it, setting up his laptop. Izuku and Tokoyami were in the kitchen making popcorn, while Iida and Kaminari were doing… something. Izuku wasn’t sure what they were whispering about, but Kaminari looked mischievous while Iida was just sighing.

Eventually the five kids were in the blanket fort, Monoma clicking play, “First up is Be More Chill the musical!”

“Oooh! Yknow what would be fun? Acting it out while it plays!” Kaminari suggested.

“I can be the squip,” Dark Shadow said.

“I’ll be Jeremy!” Kaminari exclaimed.

“I’ll do Micheal’s lines,” Monoma said.

Immediately a song started playing. The musical continued and it got really fun when Kaminari acted like he was in pain, going with the scene the movie was playing, he wasn’t even looking.

“I’m fine,” Kaminari said, giving a thumbs up. “I just-”

“Discomfort level may increase,” Dark Shadow announced, though he was hidden from view.

Once more Kaminari acted out in pain as Dark Shadow spoke. “Accessing neural memory… accessing muscle memory… access procedure... Complete.”

Then Dark Shadow manifested, “Jeremey Heere, welcome to your super quantum unit intel processor, your squip.”

Only Dark Shadow didn’t look like their normal shadow bird form, instead they looked like a shadow of Kaminari, though they were still dark black with a hint of purple and golden eyes, but the area of Kaminari’s hair where he had the black lightning bolt, Dark Shadow had a lighter purple showing.

“Dude, that’s so cool,” Kaminari whispered out, staring at the shadow who preened. Then as his next line continued he followed his script some more.

Izuku watched avidly, mentally making notes about how apparently Dark Shadow could change their appearance. The musical continued, and honestly it was amazing.

Eventually it ended and the group talked about it for a bit, “Hey Midoriya, why don’t you try doing Jeremy’s lines?” Kaminari suggested.

“B-but I d-don’t have it memorized?”

“That’s fine, we can practice, it’ll be fun,” Monoma said.

So Monoma pulled up a lyric video and soon Izuku was singing along, which was a lot harder when he had to put some of his focus into modulating his voice.

But it was still fun, and they may have gone through all the songs in the musical a few times. And it turned out to be really good practice for him using his voice quirk.

“What should we watch next?” Tokoyami questioned as they collapsed into the blanket fort, still giggling a bit about dancing and singing.

“Hamiliton?” Iida suggested.

“Six?” Kaminari added.

“What about Heathers?” Monoma mentioned.

Tokoyami looked at him, “Which do you like the sound of?”

Izuku shrugged, “I never heard of any of them.”

“Six is the shortest one, so how about we do that one next?” Kaminari suggested.

“I’ve never seen Six,” Iida admitted.

“You might like it, it’s kinda like Hamiliton, in that it takes history and turns it into a musical, though I doubt it’s accurate, but it’s still fun.”

“Alright, Six sounds good to me,” Iida agreed.

They looked at him and so Izuku nodded.

Soon the play started, but after about ten minutes at the end of Catherine’s introduction there was a knock on the door. Monoma paused it and his friends looked at him, “Were you expecting someone?” Iida questioned.

“It’s probably m-my Grandpa, he said h-he was coming over,” Izuku said, smiling a bit.

He got up and headed over and opened the door, smiling when he saw his grandfather. “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but since I knew you were having a sleepover, I brought some snacks for you and your friends,” he said, smiling and holding up a couple bags.

Izuku moved to the side and let him in, “Rivals!” Monoma called, crawling out from underneath the blanket fort.

Soon the rest of his friends came out, “Hello nice to meet yoooo-” Iida started but then paused, staring in shock, “Wait. Midoriya. Your grandfather is Shimura Yuichi?! The CEO of the Hero Commission?!”

“...yes?” Izuku squeaked out.

Iida fainted.

Luckily though, Dark Shadow manifested and caught him.

Izuku blinked, “Umm…”

His grandfather chuckled, “That’s Iida Tenya, right? Ingenium’s little brother? Oh and your Tokoyami Fumikage, Amaterasu's son!”

“Yes sir, I am, how do you know?”

His grandfather rubbed the back of his neck, giving a nervous chuckle, “Ah, I kinda studied the top fifty heroes and their family’s. It’s good to know who people are where I work, and some heroes like it when you show you know stuff about them. Though some don’t… anyways I won’t stay here long, I just wanted to check in on you and meet your friends. But as Iida said, I’m Shimura Yuichi, nice to meet you,” he said, holding his hand out.

His friends returned his handshake as they introduced themselves.

“I’m Kaminari Denki!”

“Tokoyami Fumikage, sir.”

“Monoma Neito!”

Iida was still unconscious.

They talked for a little bit until his grandfather left as Iida stirred. A minute after he left Iida woke up, “Did I fall asleep? I had the weirdest dream.”

“If it’s Midoriya’s grandfather, you weren’t dreaming,” Tokoyami said.

“Your grandfather is really the CEO? That must have been awesome growing up!” Kaminari said.

Izuku gave a bit of a nervous laugh, “Um, I only m-met him after o-our internships…”

“Really? Why?” Iida questioned concern in his eyes.

“Well um… a-apparently my mom c-cut contact with him. S-so he didn’t know a-about me until he saw m-me at the sports festival, and h-he decided to get back in t-touch with my mom.”

“Ah, so how is he then?” Iida questioned.

“He seems p-pretty nice so far, plus my q-quirk doesn't play up around him so I k-know he’s telling the truth about being my g-grandfather.”

“That’s really cool!” Kaminari said.

“Let's get back to the musical, yeah?” Monoma asked.

The boys agreed and they started the musical, soon it ended and they played around for a bit while singing some of those songs as well. Although the song All You Wanna Do did briefly make him think of him.

Of course by that time the sun was down and the boys were hungry, so the group went to the kitchen and started tossing out ideas of what to cook. “How about we make a cake?” Kaminari suggested, grinning as he gestured to some supplies.

Izuku blinked, wondering where those supplies came from, he didn’t remember having the stuff to make a cake. “C-check the dates?” Izuku suggested.

Kaminari did, then shrugged, “It’s a bit old, but I’ve cooked with old stuff before, it should still work.”

“It is very irresponsible of us to eat cake instead of dinner,” Iida said.

“It’s a sleepover, splurge a little 1-A,” Monoma said, grinning.

“Yeah prez!” Kaminari agreed.

So soon the four boys were cooking, Monoma moving his laptop in with instructions pulled up.

About an hour later, the cake was in the oven, and Izuku looked over at his friends, they were covered in flour, and the kitchen looked like a flour bomb had gone off. “Sorry…” Kaminari and Dark Shadow said in sync, bowing their heads.

“It’s f-fine, just um… can y-you guys help me c-clean?” Izuku asked.

“Of course!”

“It’s no problem!”


So soon the five boys and one shadow were cleaning up the mess they had made. They finished with a half hour on the timer left for the cake, and more stuff to cook.

The icing.

So they made it, finishing as the cake was ready to come out of the oven. They pulled it out and let it start cooling, and put the icing in the fridge.

“Shall we s-start Hamiliton w-while we wait?” Izuku suggested.

“Yeah!” his friends cheered.

Monoma plugged his laptop back into the tv and soon the musical started. Izuku laughed as his friends gestured to Hamiliton and then back to him, saying that they both wrote a lot. As the song The World Turned Upside Down came to an end, they paused it to finish making their cake.

Tokoyami cut it to flatten the top and then they took turns smearing icing on the cake. Soon the creation was done. “Hey, we should take a picture and send it to the group chat!” Kaminari suggested.

Izuku swallowed and nodded.

“I will take your photo for you,” Dark Shadow offered, holding up Tokoyami’s phone.

The boys posed with the cake in front of them, Izuku in the center with Tokoyami and Iida directly next to his sides, Monoma and Kaminari to the edges, all of them were smiling. “Say cheese.”

“Cheese!” The boys choursed.

A snap and Dark Shadow turned the phone towards them.

“Send it!” Kaminari urged, giving a thumbs up.

Dark Shadow glanced at him, almost as if asking permission, and Izuku gave a nod. The boys phone’s buzzed and they all pulled out their devices.

ShadowKing: [File Sent]

RacoonEyes: [AWWWW that’s so cool! Us girls should have out own sleepover one-day!]

RacoonEyes: [Our*]

Lilypad: [That sounds fun. Kero.]

Rockhard: [You guys are having a sleepover? So manly!]

Explosions: [WTF are you doing at the nerds place dunce face?]

ElectricStorm: [Having a sleepover, duh. We having a lot of fun.]

Beats: [Does Iida even know how to have fun?]

Iida frowned as he got the message, and Izuku placed a hand on his shoulder.

GottaGoFast: [Of course I do!]

Beats: [Sure…]

Izuku hesitated for a moment, but then after looking at Iida’s still hurt expression he typed and hit send before he could change his mind.

ShyGuy: [Please don’t insult my friend.]

ShadowKing: [We will be going now, we have cake to eat.]

The boys turned the group chat on mute and they cut the cake.

Then they continued watching the musical as it turned from the end of the war into them building up the nation. By the time the musical ended it was getting late, but none of the boys were tired, the sugar having kicked in.

So they started the fourth musical.


Which was another really interesting musical, but about halfway through the musical Izuku fell asleep leaning against Monoma.

He stirred briefly when he felt himself being moved, but soon fell right back to sleep feeling his bed underneath him.

Little Acts of Kindness - Chapter 68 - TheDeadGirlRisen - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.