Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea (2025)

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I know you all can relate. Life is INSANE! Especially here at the ranch!

From a 5am wake up time to milking goats twice daily tocleaning out the hen-houseto mothering, being asupportive wife, and budding entrepreneur…

…my body was talking a backseat. Which is why I began researching best herbs for weight loss.

You probably know that obesity is a worldwide epidemic.

The latest figures tell it all — and it’s only getting worse.

In addition to normal concerns of clothes not fitting, lack of energy, and low self-esteem, being overweight can lead to other moreserious health concerns. Diabetes and other health concerns are plaguing us like never before. To say that there is an obesity problem is an understatement!

  • 8 out of 10 Americans over the age of 25 are overweight
  • 174 million American are overweight or obese.
  • The worldwide number is expected to double by 2030.
  • Being overweight is associated with dramatic increases in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strode, arthritic, and depression.
  • 25.8 million children and adults in the United States — 8.3% of the population — have diabetes.

Previously we discussed a few things to help us focus on developing the habit of healthy living — click here to read that post.

Today, I’d love to talk specifics and share a few of my most favorite herbs for weight loss, detoxification, and over all well-being.

But first let me say…

…herbs should not be considered a magical solution to anyone’s weight-loss efforts!Nonetheless, I do believe that they play a huge role — most effectively in the role of appetite suppression and detoxification.

There are severaldifferent herbsthat have proven to increase metabolism and/or suppressthe appetite — naturally helping us achieve our weight loss goals.

Just be careful — please note…this statement is my disclaimer — with any information you read (yes, even this information that I am sharing with you today) regarding herbs with weight loss claims. Do your own research.

Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea (1)

The Best Weight Loss Herbs

As mentioned above, there are countless herbs and remedies in the realm of weight loss.

These that I share with you are simply the ones that I have found to be most beneficial and useful in my efforts! Herbs such as:

  • Nettle Leaf –Highly nutritive, nettle leaf contains a great amount of chlorophyll,making this herb asignificant source of antioxidant vitamins (such asC and A) and powerhouseminerals. Nettle leafis also considereda blood purifier due to it’s ability to increase theproper function of the liver and the kidneys.
  • Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng)Root — While it primarily works on the nervous system, in general eleuthero root is well known as a powerfuladaptogen –that is an herb that helps the body properly respond to stress. Reducing anxiety and balancing the appetite. Read more here…
  • Senna leaf Senna leaf is best known as a natural laxative.
  • Dandelion leafDandelion leaf neutralizes acid in the blood thereby making it one the best remedies for detoxification and blood purification available. And similar to Nettle leaf, it too contains high quantities ofnourishing vitamins and minerals. I love dandelion leaf especially for it’s ability to cleanse the body and help with my skin’s complexion.
  • Marshmallow root — Is one of the most mucilaginous herbs. Highly nutritive…it also works to soothe the entire digestive system by reducing inflammation. Likewise, marshmallow root is a wonderful diuretic.
  • Slippery elm barkSlippery elm bark contains many of themucilaginousproperties asmarshmallow root — and ithelpsbring tobalance to the body byabsorbing toxins in the bowel.
  • Papaya leaf — Containing high concentrations of digestive enzymes, papaya leaf is an excellent tonic for the digestive system as a whole…and a wonderful herbal support for weight loss.
  • Sweet cinnamon bark — A well-known for centuries due to it’s anti-biotic and anti-fungal properties, cinnamon is a wonderful remedy that supplies excellent flavor. Moreover, cinnamon is excellent for our digestive systems and works to warm the body.
  • Ginger rootGinger root, a trusted cold/flu fighter, assists the body in the removal of excess toxins. It too, cleanses the digestive tract and the kidneys as well as increases circulation by warming the body.
  • Fennel seeds — Aid in digestion and help to regulate the appetite. They also positively effect kidney function and work to cleanse the liver.

And the best way I have found to consume the benefits of these herbs…tea.

Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea (2)

Benefits of Drinking a Slimming Herbal Tea

While drinking an herbal tea concocted using the above herbs…one can expect to experience the following benefits:

– Slimmer waistline
– Mood stabilization
– Better sleep
–Increased libido
– Regular bowel movements
– Decrease in water retention
–Clearermore balancedskin complexion

The Recipe

Slimming Herbal Tea
*Measurements in partsare by volume not weight.


  1. Measure the parts of each of the herbs listed and mix in a large bowl until well combined.
  2. Grab your tea accessories, tea infusers, and/or tea pots…and brew a cup! (Note: I get all of my loose leaf tea-making supplies online from Starwest Botanicals. Their selection of tea accessories can’t be beat!)
  3. This herbal tea blend will keep stored in a cool, dark place for approximately 6 months. (Note: I like to store all of my teas in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.)
  4. Everyday Ibrew approximately 16-20 fluid ounces of this tea andcarry it with me, drinking it throughout the day. I find it mild enoughfor daily use andI couldn’t be happier with the results I’m seeing!

Where Can I Get This Stuff?

Starwest Botanicals…they have everything you’ll need by way of Bulk Herbs and Natural Products for Healthy, Natural Living! It’s your one-stop-shop!

Mountain Rose Herbs also carries many of these ingredients if you’d like to price check.


+Because they work gently and effectively.
+Because you can grow many yourselves, right outside your front door or even in your kitchen.
+Because it’s our birthright to use the gifts of nature with respect and wisdom.
+Because up until relatively recently, at least in the western world, herbs were an integral part of taking care of ourselves.

Health doesn’t come from plastic bottles. Vitality grows naturally from the way you live your life. Deep down, people already know this.

If you want to learn more about herbs as medicine and as food, and if you’re just too busy to enroll in an in-person program, join the Herbal Academy of New England for a comprehensive and convenient online herbal course you can complete anywhere and anytime!

Learn what your great ancestors knew about the natural world and begin to build your own apothecary.

Start classes anytime! Click this link to learn more and register.

Note: Naturally the resultswill bedifferent for everyone. This is by no means a cure-all. I’m just happy to share with you my experience with these plants and/or oils. Please use conventional wisdom and consult with your medical professional prior to using this or any other herbal remedy.And as we know all too well the FDA doesn’t like any type of claim…therefore, take it for what it is, and remember, this information ispurely educational in its purpose.

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Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea (2025)


What herb gets rid of belly fat? ›

What herbs can aid in weight loss?
  • Cinnamon.
  • Fenugreek.
  • Ginger.
  • Ginseng.
  • Cayenne pepper.
  • Caralluma fimbriata.
  • Turmeric.
  • Gymnema sylvestre.
May 17, 2023

Which slimming tea is best for weight loss? ›

Types of Tea That May Help With Weight Loss
  • Green Tea. “Green tea comes from the same plant as white, oolong and black tea: Camellia sinensis,” says Palmer. ...
  • White Tea. Only the young leaves or growth buds from the tea leaf are used to produce white tea. ...
  • Oolong Tea. ...
  • Black tea.
Jan 10, 2024

Which tea burns the most belly fat? ›

Green tea

It's also one of the most effective teas for weight loss. There is substantial evidence linking green tea to decreases in both weight and body fat. According to one review of 11 studies, green tea could help reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), and belly fat in people with type 2 diabetes ( 4 ).

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The experts report that drinking two cups of oolong tea per day triggers the breakdown of fat overnight.

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Helps in digestion and weight-loss: Turmeric stimulates the gallbladder and produces bile which further helps in better and faster digestion and keeps the weight in control. It also fights insulin resistance which can help in controlling the sugar levels.

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“I eat a healthy mix,” she told People. “I dropped weight because I've been listening to my doctor — a couple (of) years I didn't. And 90% of the time I'm really good at it because a protein diet is good for me anyway.

How can I lose weight in 7 days naturally? ›

Decreasing your intake of processed foods and added sugar can help you lose weight in 7 days. Drinking plenty of water and adding fiber to your diet might also help. That said, many factors influence your ability to lose weight, and it's better to aim for slower and more sustainable weight loss of 0.5–2 lbs per week.

What drink reduces belly fat in 4 days? ›

Ginger tea is a great beverage for losing tummy fat. The thermogenic qualities of ginger aid increase fat burning, regulate hunger, and speed up metabolism. Additionally, it lessens inflammation and facilitates digestion, both of which can help with a bloated stomach.

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Same like turmeric and cayenne pepper, ginger also has thermogenic (fat-burning) property. Add it to your tea, salads, fish, fruits and more.

Which is the No 1 weight loss tea in the world? ›

Some of the best teas for weight loss are green tea and oolong tea, which help you metabolize fat. Pu-erh tea—a fermented Chinese drink—promotes a healthy gut, which may contribute to weight loss. Plain black tea may also help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake and helping burn fat.

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Oolong tea

It an also help with fat metabolism, which helps with weight loss and fat accumulation. It may also improve triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Pour the water over the oolong and allow to soak for about 3 minutes. Then strain and drink 1 cup per day for about 6 weeks, alongside a balanced diet.

Which homemade tea is best for weight loss? ›

Green tea

Green tea is one of the top teas for weight loss. It's packed with antioxidants, particularly catechins. A quick science lesson: Antioxidants are beneficial molecules that fight free radicals to ultimately reduce oxidative stress.

What tea can I drink everyday to lose weight? ›

Oolong Tea

This tea is made by withering tea leaves in the hot sun and then put through an oxidation process. Like green tea, it's a rich source of catechins. In one study, more than two-thirds of overweight people who drank oolong tea every day for six weeks lost more than 2 pounds and trimmed belly fat.

Which is the number 1 green tea for weight loss? ›

If you're all about that green and on a weight-loss mission, you might want to choose Matcha green tea—the richest green tea source of nutrients and antioxidants.

What to drink at night to lose weight? ›

  • Aug 10, 2023. Weight loss drinks to have before going to bed. ...
  • Losing weight while sleeping. Is it possible to lose weight while sleeping? ...
  • Try these drinks. Here are some drinks that will help you lose weight while sleeping. ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Grape juice. ...
  • Turmeric milk. ...
  • Cinnamon tea. ...
  • Soaked fenugreek water.
Aug 10, 2023


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.